Monday, April 28, 2008

What next Mr. Ramadoss?

Mr. Ramadoss must be a very worried man right now. He must be thinking what can he take up next after banning smoking from films, and advising actors not to use liquor and chips (!!) in their movies? Here is an idea - he can ban showing cars in movies, and ban all car related ads too! Here is a perfectly good logic for that -

1. They pollute air which is certainly bad for health
2. Bigger sin - people get killed in car accidents

So if we dont show cars, younsters wont get influenced & will not buy cars. This would not only lead to safer roads and cleaner air, it would also force them to walk to their destination which is again very healthy!

Go ahead Mr. Ramadoss, and I am sure your last year in government would be as successful as your last four!

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